This is a little highlight video of the wonderful moments from Devyn's Quinceañera celebration. A Quinceañera is a traditional family celebration marking a girl’s 15th birthday and her transition from childhood to adulthood. The main celebration began with a church mass, where Devyn gave thanks to God for her coming of age and asked for blessings for her future. After the religious ceremony, a banquet with dancing followed. One of the most touching moments of the day was Devyn's first dance with her father, which also symbolizes her transition into adulthood. Congratulations to Devyn on her 15th birthday! We are honored to have been part of this important family day.   

Devyn's Quinceanera / Highlight Video

Best moments of the Devyn's Quinceanera


Morgan Hill, California


Highlight Video / 5:00 min

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